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Among the top three smartest dog breeds are the border collie, the poodle and the German shepherd.

Border collies are thought to be the best sheep herders in the world and are known to be workaholics full of remarkable instinct. They've got incredible intelligence and a high work ethic, so to speak. Poodles are every bit as active as they are smart, and as a fact that may surprise you, are bred to retrieve items from the water, putting them in the first category. German shepherds are the most commonly trained guard, police and military dogs due to their smarts and their loyal nature.

Most trainable dogs

The border collie, poodle and German shepherd are also the most trainable with an emphasis on border collies who are eager to learn and please. You'll also find that golden retrievers are one of the most trainable dog breeds, even though their light hearted nature may leave you to think initially they are no work and all play. You'll do well training the Doberman pinscher. They are commonly used as police dogs because of their fearless, loyal nature and their ability to learn quickly and enthusiastically.

Most obedient dog breeds

Yet again ringing in at the top of the list are the border collie, poodle and German shepherd; All of these breeds are loyal people pleasers with high levels of intelligence that makes them eager to learn and work, making the decision to follow the lead of their owners something that is second nature to them. These breeds and the others that rank close by to the top three, such as the golden retriever, Doberman pinscher and the Shetland sheepdog, all have high levels of obedience intelligence that makes following you second nature.

Dog psychology

When looking for a new dog, you may come across different terms that you are not familiar with. So, I'll explain briefly some terms you may come across that describe the different types of intelligence levels in dogs. It is broken down into three stages: 1. Obedience intelligence 2. Adaptive intelligence 3. Instinctive intelligence. Obedience intelligence

Encompasses the dog's ability to understand various commands and the speed with which they learn them. Adaptive intelligence

refers to how dogs are able to learn their environment and adapt to it accordingly. Instinctive intelligence

refers to how dogs have high levels of instinct in the way of herding, hunting and retrieving.

A dog's intelligence is just one of the things you should factor into your decision when it comes to choosing a new companion. You'll need to look into other parts of their personalities to find one that suits both your personality and your lifestyle to ensure they are as healthy and happy as possible.

Elite Canine Club

At Elite Canine Club, we provide a clean and safe setting for puppies to play, learn and grow in a nurturing and fun environment. Set up your puppy for success by enrolling them in Elite Canine Club daycare today.

*Puppies must be at least 12 weeks old and fully vaccinated. All male puppies 12 months or older must be neutered. All pups must pass an evaluation to ensure your puppy’s safety and comfort.

More information can be found here: MEET & GREET | ELITE CANINE CLUB

Not sure if your pup is ready for daycare, or you are nervous about sending your pup to daycare... Why not try a free daycare and help your pup meet their new BFFF (best furry friend forever)! Learn more about it here


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